

Shopping district tour of good and new places unknown to people around Kawasaki Station


We are hosting a "Shopping district tour of good and new places unknown to people around Kawasaki Station" on November 2nd.

日本に在住されている外国出身の皆さん、旅行者のみなさん、または日本に留学されている皆さんへ。 11/2に「川崎駅周辺の商店街をめぐるツアー」を開催します。 To all foreign residents living in Japan, travelers, and international students in Japan: We are hosting a "Shopping district tour of good and new places unknown to people around Kawasaki Station" on November 2nd.

川崎市役所スカイデッキなどの新名所をはじめ、川崎駅周辺の神社や江戸時代の旅装束が楽しめるお店など、穴場スポットやお店を巡ります。また、和菓子屋さんでお茶を楽しむ機会もあります。ぜひご参加ください。 The tour will visit new landmarks such as the Sky Deck of Kawasaki City Hall, as well as lesser-known places and stores in the Kawasaki Station area, including shrines and places where visitors can enjoy traveling costumes from the Edo period. There will also be an opportunity to enjoy tea at a Japanese sweets store. Please join us.

開催場所 川崎駅広域商店街連合会Shopping District Association of Kawasaki Station Wide-area


Shopping area around Kawasaki Station

参加費用 1,600 yen/includes: Ukiyo-e Gallery admission, Game Center Experience, Wagashi Tasting.
定員 20 persons
募集期間 2024-10-01~2024-10-25
チラシPDF 詳しくはこちら


13:00 Gather at the north exit ticket gate of Kawasaki Station, and staff will give you a briefing.
13:10 First, we will take you to the KAWASAKI UKIYO-E GALLERY. There you will see some Ukiyo-e paintings.
13:30 Next, we will take you through the underground shopping mall (Kawasaki AZALEA) to Kawasaki MORE'S and visit the SILK HAT game center, DAISO, and BOOK-OFF.
14:30 Next stop is INAGE Shrine. This shrine is believed to be beneficial for "victory" and "harmony". The sacred tree, a large ginkgo tree, is also worth seeing.
15:00 Next stop is Tokaido Kawasaki Shuku Koryukan. This museum introduces the town of Kawasaki in the Edo period, and has a corner where visitors can enjoy dressing up as travelers in the Edo period.
15:30 Next, you will enjoy tasting wagashi (Japanese sweets) and tea at TOHTERU, a Japanese confectionery store. This store has been in business since 1913 and offers a unique Kawasaki product for purchase.
16:35 Next, you will go to the Sky Deck, the observation deck at Kawasaki City Hall, where you can enjoy a 360-degree night view from the 25th floor. Mt. Fuji may also be seen.
Finally, we would like to ask you to fill out a questionnaire regarding each of the sites you visited on this day.
17:10 After you have completed the questionnaire, we will take you to the "Kawasaki Night Market" food stall event. We will dismiss you at this point, and you are free to enjoy the rest of the event as you please.


※このイベントには、英語の通訳者がつきますので、日本語をうまく話すことができなくても参加できます。 ※An English-speaking interpreter/guide will accompany you on all tours. Please do not worry even if your Japanese is not good.

このイベントは、先着順で受付けます。満席になった場合は締め切らせていただきます。 This event will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will close when full.

また、このイベントは外国人旅行者のための地図をつくるためのモニターツアーです。ツアー終了後にアンケートにご協力いただきます。 This event is also an opportunity to get feedback to create a map for tourists visiting the Kawasaki Station area. Participants will be asked to fill out a questionnaire.


SHOREN KANAGAWA public interest incorporated association (A federation of shopping malls in Kanagawa Prefecture)

主催 SHOREN KANAGAWA public interest incorporated association (A federation of shopping malls in Kanagawa Prefecture), and Shopping District Association of Kawasaki City General Incorporated Association, and Shopping District Association of Kawasaki Station Wide-area.
共催 Cooperation: Kanagawa Systematized Goodwill Guide Club.


Please fill out the following e-mail form to apply for the tour. Please be sure to enter your e-mail address and phone number so that our office can contact you for confirmation.

(You will receive an email back from us within 48 hours of your email. If you do not receive a reply, there may be a problem with your e-mail address or other details. Please contact us separately.)

お名前 Your Name
メールアドレス Mail Address
電話番号 Phone Number
参加希望人数 Total number of people including companions
その他コメント等 Notes



